

Our resources are some of the most highly regarded in ecommerce. They are utilised by brands, platforms and agencies around the world to navigate the complex world of modern commerce, enhancing knowledge and guiding strategy.

Case Studies








Why migrate from Kibo to Shopify?

As a cloud-based, composable platform, Kibo provides a commerce tool for retailers implementing a headless stack. It is part of the MACH Alliance and follows MACH principles (Microservice-based, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless) to deliver a technically adept product.

However, an increasing number of retailers are discovering that building with composable tools, including Kibo, is more resource-intensive than they had anticipated. As a result, we are witnessing a growing trend of larger retailers moving to Shopify as an alternative solution.

Some of these retailers may still be committed to developing a composable stack, but seek a less restrictive and more cost-effective solution than Kibo.

Other brands may feel that they migrated to a headless stack prematurely; that whilst this approach has advantages, they don’t have the resources or technical expertise to execute it successfully and within budget.


How does Shopify compare to Kibo?

Shopify has often been misunderstood as a traditional monolithic ecommerce platform, unsuitable for enterprise brands. In reality, Shopify is an increasingly viable and compelling solution for large and enterprise retailers.

The launch of Commerce Components by Shopify (CCS) has solidified Shopify as a genuine contender among composable commerce solutions. It also affirms Shopify’s position in the enterprise ecommerce market, demonstrating its capability to support the largest and most complex global retailers.

For brands seeking the benefits of composable commerce, without the technical burden and complexity of Kibo, CCS presents a great opportunity. It combines the high-performance, intuitive foundation of the Shopify platform with the ability to select modular components and access flexible APIs.

Shopify presents various options for retailers searching for a more manageable, scalable solution that non-technical team members can use with ease. Whether you opt to deploy Hydrogen (Shopify’s modern React framework) and Oxygen (Shopify’s edge network hosting counterpart), or a more conventional tech stack built on Store 2.0, Shopify unlocks functionality and flexibility, without sacrificing ease of use.

Moreover, Shopify retailers have access to a market-leading app and third-party ecosystem, as well as an advanced suite of checkout customisations in the form of Checkout Extensibility.



Replatform from Kibo to Shopify with Swanky

As a highly experienced full-service Shopify Plus agency, we have extensive expertise in migrating major brands to Shopify. Our refined replatforming process ensures a smooth and secure transition for your store.

Discovery & analysis

The discovery phase serves as the foundation for the entire project, informing all our decisions along the way. We will analyse how your existing Kibo site is performing, provide guidance on your technology stack, evaluate any needs for international stores, and determine the scope of any required custom development efforts.

Page template design

Our UX/UI team will turn the ‘look and feel’ concepts into captivating page template designs. Leveraging insights from data analysis, creative flair, and a deep understanding of consumer psychology, the designs will be optimised to engage users and drive conversions.

Third-party integrations

Our New Builds team includes technical specialists and app developers who are well-versed in navigating the complexities of third-party platform integrations and app configuration on Shopify Plus. Our technical team will assess your integration requirements and determine the best approach, whether that involves leveraging pre-built connectors, custom middleware development, or integration tools like Patchworks.

Product data setup and import

Our team will export your product data from Kibo and ensure it is properly formatted and configured for your new Shopify website. Your dedicated Project Manager will oversee this process, drawing on their migration expertise to ensure a secure and efficient import.

Shopify Plus store development

Swanky’s skilled development team will build a performant Shopify Plus store, incorporating any custom solutions that were outlined in the project brief. This may involve developing on Store 2.0 or using Shopify’s Hydrogen framework for headless storefront development.

Order and customer data import

We will export your order and customer data from Kibo, then reformat it to be compatible with Shopify’s data structure before importing it into your new ecommerce platform.

Training & QA

We will support your ecommerce team with training on the core features and functionality of Shopify Plus, ensuring you are well-equipped to manage your new store. Additionally, Swanky’s QA team will rigorously test your new website against key functional specifications to ensure a high-quality, error-free experience.

User acceptance testing

After a period of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) conducted by your team, your new Shopify Plus store will be launched and made live to your customers.


Shopify migration case studies

Join this suite of brands that have successfully migrated to Shopify with Swanky's support.


Expert ecommerce migration resources

Contact us about a migration from Kibo to Shopify Plus.

Get in touch with our Shopify Plus Experts today to discuss how we could support your ecommerce migration project.